Neltronics is proud to be a member of APCO – Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation. We are committed to supplying sustainable and recyclable packaging across our brands and to reduce waste.

Over time, we are implementing new updated packaging with clear labelling that provides consumers with easy to understand recycling information. Our new updated packaging complies with ARL (Australasian Recycling Label) guidelines. The ARL removes confusion, saves time and reduces waste going to landfill. For more information about the ARL, visit their site here or visit Planet Ark for more information about recycling.

Each year, APCO Brand Owner Members are required to submit an APCO Annual Report and an APCO Action Plan. Our 2024 Annual Report and Action Plan can be found here.

Our APCO Annual Report and Action Plan provides our overall performance level, as well as any commitments we have made to work towards on our packaging sustainability journey.